The architect of modern atomic bomb who was in charge of the manhattan project was asked by a student after the manhattan explosion, “How do you feel after having exploded the first atomic bomb on earth”. Oppenheimer’s reply for the question was , “not first atomic bomb, but first atomic bomb in modern times”. He strongly believed that nukes were used in ancient india. what made oppenheimer believe that it was a nuclear war was the accurate descriptions of the weapons used in the mahabharatha war in the epic which match with that of modern nuclear weapons. Video
Mohenjadaro and Harappa
Scientists Davneport and Vincenti put forward a theory saying the ruins were of a nuclear blast as they found big stratums of clay and green glass. High temperature melted clay and sand and they hardened immediately afterwards. Similar stratums of green glass can also found in Nevada deserts after every nuclear explosion.
Radio Active Ash
A layer of radioactive ash was found in Rajasthan, India. It covered a three-square mile area, ten miles west of Jodhpur. The research occurred after a very high rate of birth defects and cancer was discovered in the area. The levels of radiation registered so high on investigators’ gauges that the Indian government cordoned off the region. Scientists then apparently unearthed an ancient city where they found evidence of an atomic blast dating back thousands of years: from 8,000 to 12,000 years.
The blast was said to have destroyed most of the buildings and probably a half-million people.
Archeologist Francis Taylor stated that etchings in some nearby temples he translated suggested that they prayed to be spared from the great light that was coming to lay ruin to the city.
The blast was said to have destroyed most of the buildings and probably a half-million people.
Archeologist Francis Taylor stated that etchings in some nearby temples he translated suggested that they prayed to be spared from the great light that was coming to lay ruin to the city.
Crater Near Bombay
Another curious sign of an ancient nuclear war in India is a giant crater near Bombay. The nearly circular 2,154-metre-diameter Lonar crater (left image), located 400 kilometers northeast of Bombay and aged at less than 50,000 years old, could be related to nuclear warfare of antiquity. No trace of any meteoric material, etc., has been found at the site or in the vicinity, and this is the world’s only known “impact” crater in basalt.

Indications of great shock (from a pressure exceeding 600,000 atmospheres) and intense, abrupt heat (indicated by basalt glass spherules) can be ascertained from the site.
... (it was) a single projectileCharged with all the power of the Universe.An incandescent column of smoke and flameAs bright as the thousand sunsRose in all its splendor...

...it was an unknown weapon,An iron thunderbolt,A gigantic messenger of death,Which reduced to ashesThe entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.
...The corpses were so burnedAs to be unrecognizable.The hair and nails fell out;Pottery broke without apparent cause,And the birds turned white. After a few hoursAll foodstuffs were infected...
....to escape from this fireThe soldiers threw themselves in streams To wash themselves and their equipment.
Now Let us analyze the facts
The nuclear facility at Rawatbhatta
Surendra Gadekar also investigated the conditions of villagers at Rawatbhatta in Rajasthan and discovered gross radiation-related deformities. We note that Rawatbhatta is in the same region as the discovery of the “ancient warfare” site. But Gadekar did not find evidence of ancient warfare, but evidence of modern negligence: wood that had been used in the power plant, had then “somehow” made his way into society, where it was subsequently used as wood for a fire. This in itself was a minor incident, but could there have been more serious incidents, whereby it was decided to deflect attention from the present to the ancient past?

We thus find that there no newspapers carried the story of the discovery. The Indian archaeological authorities are not aware of the story. And there is a government laboratory in Jodhpur, Rajasthan. Might something have gone wrong in the latter?
With the above objection, the case for the best evidence has become more controversial. But in a case such as an ancient high tech civilisation, this should not come as a surprise.
crater may be lunar or other origin and the meteriotic elements could have been washed off. So the evidence is not supporting.
MahaBhratha evidence
Mahabharata is indirect evidence, the other discoveries in India pose serious problems for those trying to deny the possibility that this might indeed be evidence of ancient atomic warfare. But as we have seen there is no evidence.
Case for ancient warfare in India is currently show contradictory evidences. The bodies of Harappa and Mohenjo Daro remain a mystery, whether or not the other radioactive site turns out to be modern or ancient. The anomalous crater adds power to the possibility. Finally, the fact that all these enigmas are within one general region (as opposed to scattered across the world) adds further weight to the case.
The Lonar crater has been formed by a meteorite and it has been proven by geologists and astronomers of modern India.
ReplyDeleteSomething similar to nuclear might really have existed because the story after Mahabharat war is not in detail, as if things abrubtly ended or only a few people got left behind. In fact history kind of restarts after a long time and there a lot of gaps in timeline to fill in.
Maybe it was not nuclear but something even more advanced than nuclear that left no traces but yet destroyed people. Something like an anti-matter?
Dear Dhara
ReplyDeleteWhat you are saying are your opinions ,not facts, Facts show the Nuclear war is a myth.
That may be your opinion. :-)
DeleteThe evidences availble could be interpreted as a nuclear antimatter bomb could have caused the lonar crater, as it leaves behind no evidence since matteR/ANTIMATTER = E or infinity.
ReplyDeletethe story is also recited that ower 50000 years ago a aerial war took place in lonar which could have caused the crater.
Dear Omkr
ReplyDeleteEven if the Anti-matter theory is proven , it will still be Nuclear.
The Dates by Mahabharata itself for the events is 2000 BC to 1000BC and Mahabharata was written between 200BC to 500AD, there are lot of versions so we cannot say exact date it was written. How did you get the date 50,000 years.
What is Lonar?
Mahabharata written around 200 BC??
DeleteIn 1961 and 62 moderate to high levels of radiation were found in Bansda and Dhavadiya villages, Udaipur District, Rajasthan. Also according to http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/india/nuke/
ReplyDeleteThe Indian govt didn’t start testing till 18 May 1974. Can someone show me in the Mahabharata where it describes this nuclear event. I must have read the wrong translation.
Please post with references not just speculation.
Which is the translation did you read, that did not describe the effects of atomic weapons and acoustic weapons(Brahmastra, Vajrastra)?
ReplyDeleteThe weapons are described in Ramayana , Mahabharata and Vishnu purana.
on the net you can access Mahabharata of Vyasa translated by Kisari Mohan Ganguli. Book 15 to 18
1974 was the first official successful test of nuclear weapon by Indian government. There was testing before, You have to know that time since Japan was pounded by nuclear weapon there is serious interest in nuclear weapons in India.
I've read the English translation of the Mahabharata by C. Rajagopalachari. Its a concise form of the original thing. And it doesn't have any mention of any nuclear war as such.
ReplyDeleteConcise form of which mahabharta samby , there are more than hundred mahabharata's and there are various translations.
ReplyDeleteRajagopalachari translation is the translation of tamil mahabharata and which is again translation.
Ramyana by N. Dutt (1891) talks about Vimanas and also Nuclear war.
ReplyDeleteHowever my initial source started with A. C. Bhaktivedenta Swami Prabhupada founder of ISKON
The nuclear war events are mentioned in both Ramayana and Mahabharata and it talks about Andhakas being annihilated.
As far as my opinion is concerned, I stick with my title. Which explains everything. I need more evidence to support a nuclear war, even-though the events mentioned in both the epics Ramayana and Mahabharat indicated Atomic war.
I think that in general Archaeologists are responsible for clouding history rather than bringing knowledge to light. They spend their lives following one teacher or another, one popular set of theories or another, and when confronted by evidence which upsets their applecart ignore and hide it. The human ego causes them to refuse to believe that they might have spent their life following wrong paths of thought, so they spend more time attacking alternative views than trying to find out the truth.
ReplyDeleteHi fred
ReplyDeleteEach Archaeologist or Historian is funded by a patron, who funds their projects to project their points view. Archeologists and Historians basically serve their interests.
There is no Independent Historian or Archeologists, So there is no Independent or True History.
Anyone who really thinks ancient people had nuclear weapons is deluded. There is a lot of advanced technology that goes into building a nuke, none of which existed before the 20th Century. The craters are either the result of meteorite impacts or volcanic activity.
ReplyDeleteBTW, science is self-correcting, so any so-called "patron biases" are balanced out over time.
Exactly Stephen and Blair Ritger, There is no nuclear war as per today's paradigm. But more advanced technology is not exclusive to our times.
ReplyDeleteThe crater is meteorite crater. There are no volcanoes in Indian mainland.
But How do you explain the unknown weapon description in Ramayana and Mahabharata.
check out about ancient indian vimanas at:-
@Stephen and Blair Ritger
ReplyDeleteAnyone whose mind is not open to such possibilities is the real deluded one.
We live in a world full of people who lie to us everyday. Politicians, bankers, mainstream journalists, etc. The history we learn about growing up turns out to be much different that what really happened and not always sanitation but crossing the line into propaganda. These lies are the true reason humanity is in a constant state of war with itself.
We also live in a world where many believe the modified and corrupted religious scripture can be irrefutably the words of supreme beings (god, etc.) With no proof. What we can prove are when and where violent kings and criminals, dispensationalists, etc. corrupted and modified it to suit their purpose. Blindingly believing this in this is dangerous.
As is dismissing the potential for ancient civilizations to possess advanced weaponry including nuclear weapons. The lack of evidence and 'scientific' consensus is meaningless to those seeking the truth. These are straw men getting in the way. The core of a nuclear explosion vaporizes matter anyways, there goes some of your evidence.
We're not alone in this universe. Nobody should selfishly dismiss the idea of alien visitors or alien manipulators in antiquity. It is not a ridiculous concept, it just isn't a popular one. It is only unpopular because humans are conditions to not seek real truths. These 'aliens' could also be humans. They might even still be among us along with their 'ancient' technology. Or we could've destroyed ourselves several times over. War teaches us that humans never learn from the past.
i like your take... good stuff
DeleteAncient atomic warfare is certainly a possibility. There are irradiated ruins all over the world, not just in India along with widespread cultural traditions of the use of highly advanced weaponry, not only between countries on the ground but also between aerial metal cities which sound suspiciously like satellites. To deny these possibilities in favor of current biases founded in a desire to perpetuate the scientific status quo for whatever reasons is an unscientific attitude in and of itself.
DeleteWhen the mahabrharata (spelling that right?) was first translated a while back, nobody knew what in the fuck it was talking about. When we re-read it we grasp this concept that we though ourselves only to recently have discovered.
ReplyDeleteThe bible has references to nuclear activity around that same area. When god blew the hell out of that one city and anyone who looked at it vaporized into "salt."
You guys want your fucking evidence? Look at the bones in Mohenjo Daro. They are about as radioactive as ones recovered from Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The walls are GLASSED. No ordinary fire can accomplish that. The skeletons that were found were scattered about a city block, some still holding hands, as if they had no time to run before they perished. These facts aren't easy to come by, but they are published by accredited archaeologists. You just need to know where to look.
There's even a conspiracy (mind you conspiracy) that artifacts that represent advanced tech in ancient civilizations are being discarded by governments into the Atlantic Ocean. WTF is going on here?
I would like to obtain your sources on the institutionalized discarding of OOPARTs (Out Of Place ARTifacts) indicative of advanced prehistoric technologies. I am not a skeptic.
ReplyDelete"Rajasthan meteorite a rare radioactive cosmic object"
http://www.rediff.com/news/2005/aug/11met.htm "Since only about 126 falls have been observed all over India in the past 2 centuries, this frequency of fall (1 every 2 years) in a small area of Rajasthan anomalously high. In comparison, no more than 10 falls have been reported from the rest of India in the past 15 years, he said."
Meteorite crater is not in Rajasthan , it is near Mumbai(Bombay). The Iron meteorite you are talking about is just recent occurrence.
ReplyDeleteWe are a civilization that does not know where we came from or who we really are. There are a lot of things about are past we can not explain. Don't think that its completely impossible that some kind of advanced technology may have existed in the past.
ReplyDeleteHere's your debunking of the story. Nuff said.
ReplyDeleteThere was a grand total of 37 corpses found in the remains of an ancient city big enough for a population of thousands. What about the rest? Oh yeah, nuclear explosion blah blah completely wipes out all evidence. How convenient.
Rex just read the topic of the post. That summarises my position.
ReplyDeleteBodies are buried in pots in Indus valley sites.
As far as Indian Mythology is concerned Both Ramayana and Mahabhrata talk of Brahmastra (Brahma's weapon)(Brahma is creater of Universe),which was used and the race of Andhakas destroyed without trace and nothing is known about them. Brahmastra is a weapon which is destroy everything. What is your take on this weapon.
Men have existed on this earth since million's of years and we have seen that humanity needs only few hundreds of years to move from horses to satellites. Hence, it is quite unlikely that all our ancestors were ignorant or undeveloped. Throughout the earth, we find archaeological evidences that shock us. They are clues by our ancestors who wanted to tell us that Technology is not what they lacked. And after a doomsday, all what was left could not stop from making the recitations of what was there, as myth.
ReplyDeletemany thousand years
ReplyDeleteDomesticated Horse make appearance in around 6000BC in India. Satellites in 21st century AD. So many thousands , not hundreds of years.
I agree with rest of the matter "Unique" except doomsday
this is a very interesting bit of history that deserves unbiased investigation. Now, one thing I find is that obviously mans ego is so fragile man denies the possibility that this is not our first technological leap. a way to think about it is what if we have a nuclear war next year, 200k out of 7 billion live, and only a hand full understand the technology we rely on. 10000 years later and the population reaches 7 billion again, what will be said about our tech?
ReplyDeleteagain, great reasoning, makes sense, thanks
Deletedoes anyone remember the movie waterworld? no one but the fish mutant man knew the truth. time had passed so long that no one was left to remember. the idea that we are the first gen of mankind to advance like this is primitive and narcissistic at best. the mahabharata is dated prior to almost all of mankind's advancements. to accept that we destroyed ourselves once before helps ensure our future survival, but to deny that fact guarantees we shall do it again. The reference to god destroying a city, was the tale of Sodom and Gomorrah, located on the Jordan river plain, and they were not the only cities destroyed.
ReplyDeleteMovie Waterworld Example is Interesting
DeleteI guess it's time to share my opinion. I try to look at these sort of subjects and imagine what I would try to say when trying to describe what may have happened. And from the way I interpret the information available, There is a very good possibility of a whole lot of technologies being described. Answer this for me. Hypothetically, If you were a alive during the stone age, and you saw a "UFO" come from the sky and the Beings that came out of it seemed to have all these supernatural powers, and started you on the path that we are walking today, how would you describe it? As an alien visitation? I THINK NOT! Especially if they wanted you to think they were your gods. Easier to keep you under control that way. Even after a few thousand years of co-existing on Earth, the first civilizations would have had a hard time explaining a nuclear explosion in terms which we would be able to read or decipher and say, "Yup, they are describing a nuclear weapon." When they tell of their god's descending to or ascending from Earth, it is described as something with smoke, fire, trembling of the ground, and lights of all sorts around them. That sounds a lot like a jet taking off or space shuttle launching to me. And the weapons or "supernatural" powers their god's wielded sound like tech that we have only begun to research and develop. But, like I said inthe first sentence,it is only my opinion. Any feedback is more than welcome, good or bad.
ReplyDeleteYou are just introducing your spin into story. You have already judged that such technologies are not capable of humans in early days.
DeleteThis weapon Brahmastra was used by Man, not by some other thing or given some other alien thing. This weapon is on earth and used on earth, it did not come from the sky or go to sky.
Precisely. All your points are well taken.
DeleteI do not believe I typed anything that stated early humans were unable to achieve these things. I was just giving my thoughts on why I think people can come to the conclusion of aliens being involved. As a matter of fact, I actually believe our ancestors were a whole lot more advanced than we would like to think. If it wasn't for the loss of the Library of Alexandria and then the deep plunge into the "dark ages", hell, who knows, we just may have been "Gods" to a race of beings on another planet by now. LOL!
DeleteYou did not. Why always think something has to be alien. You take the case of Man and Woman dying and become angels in Western religions. It looks like very unique concept, then you see, How the pretty Butterfly evolves from the ugly insect, you can make the connection between the two and the thought process.
According to the Euhemeristic Theory, some accounts of ancient "gods" are simply accounts of deified humans. As to where these humans came from, they could have been indigenous to this planet or they could have come from elsewhere. To deny any of these possibilities in favor of current biases (many of which are fed by fear of professional censure or fear of the destruction of one's own religious ideology) is unscientific and frankly rather pathetic.
Deletei am readiing the mahabarata now. the descriptions of the celestial weapons, flying machines, and devastating wars are riveting and quite specific. the translation i am reading is the one by ganguli and was completed in 1896 and is considered by scholars to be a bit dry, but accurate. it is available in the public domain at no cost. in the first hundred pages ypu will read all you need to know relative to these events. nowever, it is a fascinating read. i am about 2000 pages in. it goes on forever!
ReplyDeletehi badbill977,
ReplyDeletei agree with u to some extent........ it is possible, just like for precoloumbian civilizations coloumbus was.... or with some island culture in WWII...... it very hard for a rainforest dwelling tribesman to understand a cellphone and its uses......... similarly.. we are just 600 or so years ahead from dark ages ( i guess 1100 ad to 1500 ad).....and lots of things are yet to be explained for example certain natural phenomenas......or bilogical behaviour.....or astronomical occurings.......so I agree that there are chances that humans as a species may have peaked in terms of technology earlier also...... its not necessary that technology means the kind of technology that we use today..... it might be different.... for example a civilization must have constant energy source to thrive upon and develop.... wood is ok but i said constant and dependable like petroleum or coal... also a civilization must have free time to think upon other things rather only livlihood..........like in history romans or greeks had.......so dear friends........it is not highly unlikely that ancient civilizations might have peaked in technology terms........
one more thing...............
Noone can describe anything that he had not seen, feeled, or listened from others or else how can one is able to describe a nuclear catastrophe so correctly..... finally there might had happened something equivalent to a nuclear catastrophe in past which leads to so many vivid descriptions in various scriptures.( Always a thundering noise, Blinding flash of light, and in minutes whole city lies in ruins)......... some thing really had happened ..... we need to be open to accept our past........
Nice to know there are more people with open minds out there. Not to "believe" everything they see or hear, just be willing to listen and form your own opinions about the subjects at hand. I could go on and on a whole lot longer but, it is late here and I am tired. So, I will post something tomorrow probably. As if anyone is interested, LOL.
DeleteFor the hindus and people of other faiths who relish mocking Hinduism by the way it has been presented it is very important to read the VEDAS which is what should be made available to the general public for FREE of COST with the most accurate translation. The vedas are also of 2 types the one which is original and the one which was tampered and altered by the BRITISH. Ignore the LATER one. Bear in mind the age and era when these texts were transcripted and were mostly in the form of POEMS and therefore involve a lot of metaphors and personifications. Therefore a good translation is very important by some one truly and intellectually enlightened. But this is what needs to be circulated to the modern day Hindus for FREE. So they may know their religion in it's original form.
ReplyDeleteHaving posted on this a while back my opinion has changed drastically since then. My original interest in this topic was raised by a tv show that quoted the Mahabharata and talked about the supposedly radioactive skeletons in mohenjo-daro. I figure cause it was on the history channel it might have some truth. I guess I thought wrong.
ReplyDeleteHa Ha
DeleteLearning the ways of the world?
hi guys,
ReplyDeletethere is nothing right or wrong about what is written over the period of thousands of year........no body can say how many editions are there or how many writers had contributed to it....... now while writing any thing in poetic style poets usually use "hyperbole"....to make it appear of higher or bigger magnitude.....but yes they do need some thing to create all these writings as a base.........my point is behind all these there must be something which had triggered all this writings.....something whose impact was so big that it could not be avoided by all those contemprory cultures..... and must be recorded....so what was that event .......lets say it might be a war with a devastating effect(in context with Mahabharata).... how does a poet describes world war I or say world war II.......almost similar to what was written in Mahabharata..... how to co relate.......bombs, guns, fighter jets, chemical and biological arsenals........to a simple lay man after say few hundred years when all those technical advancements had been wiped out by a global war........
just imagine we had a third world war and after few hundred year civilization started to recover.....how will they describe that war to their children or grand children and suppose few of them decided to write than how will they describe it in poetic form...........
think of it...........
thanks and regards
Sorry But your logic if flawed, according to you, a poor Vietnamese farmer who was in the midst of an american invasion would have come up with an epic right now about american gods coming in splendid aerial vehicles and setting fire to everything.
DeleteEven a global war will not wipe out everything, It will leave behind tell tale evidences, a nuclear war can leave enough radiation for at least thousands upon thousands of years, If Mahabharata war had happened even in 12000 BC, no one would never be able to survive in the Indian subcontinent because of radiation.
Mahabharata war started in 3138BC.
DeleteNot only Mahabharata, but Ramayana also talks about it in distant past. How Andhakas were Annihilated. Rama Birth is in 5561 BC. So any event is anterior to it.
No One would have survived in South Asia due to ancient nuclear Weapon ? . You are exaggerating the power of Nuclear weapon. you can see survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Coming to the epics, we don't know what the weapon are. The Epics talk of Brahmastra used only once. And they go on preaching about, how they should not used again.
sorry i could not read everyone's response in detail. but my thought is, if humans had nuclear wars between themselves before, then their might be evidence of other technologies also - like cars, ships, airplanes, satellites, tv & radio, computers. and the leaders might have made some attempt to preserve something for future generations - maybe like pyramids, rare metal artefacts, myths & stories etc. I am wondering whether the deserts on the earth are evidence of nuclear drop zones and therefore not caused by natural weather/climate conditions as is generally explained and accepted.
ReplyDeleteThere is also flying Machines and other stuff in Ramayana and Mahabharata apart from Nuclear Weapons.
DeleteWe Only Have Epics telling about them. Nothing Else
There seems to be no evidence of Desert being Nuclear Drop Zones, they are just rain deficient regions.
Ofcourse you can dig further on the Internet
Please read about the history of deserts in India. Till recently, people called the river Saraswati- described as a major river in the Vedic period, as being a mythical one but now scientists have found evidences and its existence in paleo channels in whole of Rajasthan, Gujarat and Haryana. Evidences about the city of Dwarka about which the Mahabharat talks about have also come up in the last few years. So, to dismiss Mahabharat and Ramayan as epics would not be the right thing.
DeleteMahabharata and Ramayana and all such epics are what they are.. Myths.. Nothing more. nothing less, all myths speak of fantastic technologies, of machines that fly, of wars that ended kingdoms and entire races of men, this is why we cannot take them at face value, most of these were written by poets, who of course were poets because of their great imagination, compare them to JRR Tolkien or HP Lovecraft,
ReplyDeleteIf a few thousand years into the future someone picks up a copy of Harry Potter and reads it, she might reach the possible conclusion that we had flying cars and talking trees, and Quidditch, and shape shifting potions, Please do your research , most of these ancient nuclear warfare is taken from non-authentic sources, The passage about nuclear warfare is lifted from "morning of the magicians " by Jacques Bergier. It does not occur in any passage of Mahabharata, and the Vaimanika shastra which describes Airplanes was unheard of in ancient times, it was only brought up in 1952 by G. R. Josyer who asserted that it was written by Pandit Subbaraya Shastry (1866–1940), who dictated it during the years 1918–1923. A Hindi translation was published in 1959, while the Sanskrit text with an English translation was published in 1973.
Therefore none of the accounts are believable.
DeleteWhy don't you read Ramayana and Mahabharata and then comment.
Kris, you expose yourself when you compare Ramayan and Mahabharat with Harry Potter. So, please heed to the advise and read the two books.
DeleteLovecraft is a poor analogy. Some believe he was an alien abductee. :-)
DeleteI sense a great deal of fear and hysteria among the skeptics here.
By reading the above comments I am now convinced that we are in the age of Kali Yuga. The description of Kali Yuga in the Puranas mention that ignorance and ego dominates man in this age.
ReplyDeleteOur present education system, government and the unnecessary fascination for materialistic pleasures are itself supporting the prophecies made by the Puranas.
If the predictions made in the Puranas on Kali Yuga can be so accurate, then why is it tough for us to believe in the things that happened during Ramayana and Mahabharata?
Very well reasoned and very well expressed.
DeleteAnd even as a non-Hindu I can believe that we are indeed caught in the throes of the Kali Yuga.
One mind fuck fact here, Ramayana happened in Treta Yuga of 24th Chatur Yuga according to Vedic texts (1 chatur yuga = 4.3 million years), and we live in the 28th Chatur Yuga right now. If we do the math, then Ramayana happened 16 million years ago.
ReplyDeleteI was literally convinced that Ramayana was a myth and science fiction stuff, because it was hard for me to believe in human existence 16 million years ago.
BUT!!!, I read one incident in Ramayana in which Valmiki mentions that when Hanuman enters Sri Lanka, he notices FOUR TUSKED elephants guarding Ravana palace!!!!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gomphotherium, THIS link gave me goosebumps!!! Valmiki was not kidding man......
How did you calculate length of Yuga's Siddhant?
DeleteFrom http://www.veda.harekrsna.cz/encyclopedia/tattvas2.htm#5
DeleteRama appeared in the 24th cycle. Krsna appeared in the 28th cycle. The interval = 4 caturyugas + 1 Dvapara yuga + some of Treta yuga comes out to between 19 and 20 million years.(Rupa Gosvami's Laghu bhagavatamrta 1.3.78, Vayu Purana 70.47-48, Brahmanda Purana)
On the ascending side of the yugas,
DeleteKrutha yuga started in 16,062 BC
Thretha yuga started in 10,302 BC
Dwapara yuga started in 5982 BC
and Kali yuga in 3102 BC.
Follow the Link
Some authorities believe human beings have inhabited this planet since before the Cretaceous period. Given the gestation span between the Neolithic era and modern times it is not difficult to envision many advanced technological civilizations arising and falling here over and over again.
DeleteOf course if that is true one should speculate as to what sort of agency keeps perpetuating the same technologies over and over. Is that an internal or hermeneutic development inevitable to all such cultures or is some sort of external imposition at work?
nuclear weapons don't have to radio active, h-bombs designed in a certain way are nominally radioactive
ReplyDeletei think we are at the end of kali yug, India will unleash the ultimate Brahmastra on isra-hell and rid the world of the present evil, it will be 100s of years before the atmosphere regains normal mode, maybe ice will start forming again and basically the end of kaliyug will be a reset button for Earth.
ReplyDeleteAccording to some experts Kali Yuga has already ended. We are in again in the start of another cycle
Deletesorry dude i agree with all your words except for this one,my sanskrit teacher is a brahmin and spent half of his life in learning kalaganana [study of time] according to his predictions still 4,16,000 years are yet to pass for kali yuga to be completed.
DeleteGood balanced blog. However while you have given possible explanation to all other myths such as Crater, Radio activity in Rajsthan village etc, you are silent of Mahabharata reference to Atomic Warfare. Descriptions match Atomic explosion perfectly.Some modern historians dont accept Mahabharata itself and calls it as Post Vedic Story book. Alright, even if it is Post vedic story, at least Mahabharata text was known much before First Atomic explosion on Japan. I hope all will agree to this. How on earth any Story teller can imagine exact description of Atom bomb and its after effects so perfectly? I cannot see even scientists in 1890 also would have imagined these lines.
ReplyDeleteWell I have started the post with Mahabharata reference. And the passages about unknown weapon are from Mahabharata. I dont know how you come to the conclusion that I am silent on Mahabharata reference.
DeleteThe Said event is before Mahabharata war(3102BC) and Ramayana War (5522BC). Because both epics mention about the event in the remote past and advises not to use the Brahmastra and while describing the consequences of using the weapon they tell about the effects of the weapon.
To Moda Sattva
DeleteThank you for keeping it real!
Where can I find info about kali yuga already being over?
According to some Kali yuga has already ended with start vikrama Era and it is called krta yuga. I have not fully studied the theory. You can find some info on this book, which is available on online.
DeleteDharma: Its Early History in Law, Religion, and Narrative By Alf Hiltebeitel
whatever it is...in my view mythology is history a bit modified....and we need much research....but ancient atomic warfare can never be denied...we havnt discovered doesnt mean it dint exist....
ReplyDeleteI m indian. I dont like my country politics n the way it is going.but i respect my indias culture n specially its epic history. Idont want to wast time on proving it as nuclear or something other.but i believe that in Mahabharata time such weapons exist that can cause damage that is out of our imagination. Idont want to make people to believe this but i believe in it. I respect the epic history of india.i believe. Thats it....
ReplyDeleteI am also an indian and like my friend Rishu, even i am fed up of our politics.
i am very much interested in this forbidden past of my nation.but it is very shocking to know thatmost of the hindu cant even tell the names of the 4 veds. i would like to know how many poeple discussing here are indian. according to me the main reason behind this unawareness is lack of interest of my people who are much more interested in money and blindly following the religion.so there should be an initiative to spread awareness of truth rather than of religion. i think religion is just a cover to the truth we are searching for.
and regarding the nuclear warfare, its an inevitable truth which we indians ourselves mock at.forget about nuclear weapons. would you believe that ancient indians knew how to make electrochemical cell(a pencil cell)(as mentioned in some ancient text)or they knew about stem cells? there is so much darkness around us.
text of mahabharat which we read today were written by people who had no knowledge about science and they interpreted the science in it as magic.so their reliability is doubted.
please correct me if there are any mistakes(i am sure there are).
Any article making claims like these and wants to be taken seriously MUST provide references so that readers can make up their own minds as to the sources' integrity and reliability. Without these references, all this stuff is nothing but fantasy and gossip.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, the References test is probably the fastest and easiest way to tell at a glance whether an article deserves to be taken seriously or should just be dismissed out of hand as complete nonsense..No serious researcher publishes anything without references, and the more the better.
nice article find more
All this talk about a meteor strike and stuff does not explain the words of this eyewitness account taken over 3,000 years ago particularly the "hair and nails fell out"- why?, "foodstuffs were infected" - with what? and "soldiers washing" - what? Please correlate these descriptions to any actual meteor strike that we know of?
... (it was) a single projectile Charged with all the power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and flame As bright as the thousand suns Rose in all its splendor...
...it was an unknown weapon, An iron thunderbolt, A gigantic messenger of death, Which reduced to ashesThe entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.
...The corpses were so burned As to be unrecognizable.The hair and nails fell out;Pottery broke without apparent cause,And the birds turned white. After a few hours All foodstuffs were infected...
....to escape from this fire, The soldiers threw themselves in streams To wash themselves and their equipment.
The Brahmastra was not only used for mass destruction. The usage of Brahmastra varied from Ramayana to Mahabharata.
ReplyDeleteThe people of Mahabharata knew about Brahmastra's usage for mass destruction only.
The people of Ramayana knew not only about Brahmastra's usage for mass destruction but for ultimate weapon for smaller purpose also.
1. Sri Rama used Brahmastra on a crow ( Sundara Kanda). That astra chased the crow during its flight but not eliminated immediately. And, finally at the wish of Sri Rama, it removed one eye only.
2. Indrajit used Brahmastra for mass destruction. It eliminated 67 crores of Vanaras.
3. Sri Rama used it on Ravana. It eliminated that particular person only.
4. Indrajit used it for incapacitating Sri Hanuma.
5. Sri Rama releases the Brahmastra directed towards ocean, to Drumatulya, a place where numerous robbers of fearful aspect and deeds, having the sinful Abhiras as their chief, were living. That astra eliminated them.